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(Warning – This is a time-limited offer. When the launch ends, the price for this WILL increase.)
Let me show you how to hone in on people who did not buy your offers first time around, and how to expose them to your ads again and again until they BUY…..for literally pennies per click...
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Get access to all of my retargeting tricks that make me 5x more money from the same ads and the same traffic when you invest in this upgrade…….
How?? It’s very simple, let me explain…..
Hey, it’s Ram here once again, along with Ivana.
As you’re already aware, Commission Drill is the fastest and simplest way to making lucrative affiliate commissions, by sending laser targeted YouTube traffic at pennies per click to profitable CPA and ClickBank offers.
But, did you know…....most people will only buy something after multiple exposures to an ad?
Think about your own buying behavior. How often do you buy something as soon as you see it? In most cases, you’ve probably been exposed to marketing around 3-4 times before you made a purchase.
There is a well-known marketing quote that states:
Serious internet marketers know that the majority of their sales come from following up potential buyers and exposing them to their offers multiple times.
Here’s why you need to remarket:
Commission Drill shows you how to zoom in on profitable CPA and ClickBank offers, and send laser targeted YouTube traffic to these ‘can’t fail’ offers for pennies per click.
But think of how much MORE money you can make when I show you how to zoom in on all the people who did not buy, and expose them to your ads again and again until they do.
It costs 5 times less to remarket to someone who has previously seen your ad than it does to show the ad to a new person.
AND, that person is more likely to buy because, as I explained above, most people will only buy after multiple exposures.
Why go through the effort, time and money targeting new audiences all the time when you can make more $$$ from retargeting?
I can save you all that time, effort and money, and show you EXACTLY how I retarget all my non-buyers, expose them to my ads several times, and practically force them to buy.
Here's what you’ll get…
Listen Closely: This upgrade is NOT essential – Commission Drill alone will show you how to make highly profitable affiliate commissions within 24 hours….
However, this is the route to take if you are serious about your internet marketing career, and are hungry for true high-level success.
I am giving you the chance to take what you learn in Commission Drill, and then pour gasoline on it, so you earn 5X the commission GUARANTEED.
Get Started NOW!
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Commission Drill Remarketing to your order....
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